MERCI Präsentkorb S1
MERCI Präsentkorb S2
MERCI Präsentkorb L2
MERCI Präsentkorb S1

MERCI S Oval gift basket

30 x 21 x H5/H10 cm


Preis inkl. MwSt. | zzgl. Versand

Pack something special in this gift basket for any occasion that will bring personal joy to your loved ones, friends or partners. The filling can be chosen freely, so that the gift basket can be completely customized and adapted to the gift recipient. The basket is slanted towards the front for optimal presentation of the contents.


Select external dimensions:

30 x 21 x H5/H10 cm
35 x 25 x H6/H10 cm
42 x 30 x H7/H13 cm

Color: Natural





7 in stock


Weight: approx. 0.14 kg

Material: willow

Wood origin: Europe


Slight deviations in shape (+/-1cm) and color are possible and underline the unique character of the handmade one-off. To protect unpackaged food hygienically, line the basket with a cloth or paper napkin.


Artikel-Nr.: 105PR-L30W

Ab einem Einkaufswert von 50,00 Euro fallen in Deutschland keine Versandkosten an.
Versand innerhalb von 2-4 Tagen.
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Weight 0,4 kg



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